Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Day 2 - Learning from Books = waste of money?

In the past the first thing I have done when learning a new language, development process or application is log onto Amazon and buy the best rated book I can find on the subject.

Suffice to say I have invested many hundreds of pounds in my library of books. However I would estimated that only about 20% of the books I have bought have been a worthwhile purchase.

So this time with Unity 3d I am NOT going to spunk waste my hard earned cash . I'm sure there are some great books out there - in fact I considered buying the following 2 books - so if you like to have a hard copy book by your side, whilst you learn, they I'd go for one of these....

1.Unity 3D Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide by R Creighton

2.Unity Game Development Essentials by W Goldstone

Both books get good reviews. It appears that the 2nd book by W Goldstone will be updated around April 2011 so it may be worth waiting for that. You can read samples of both books on the Packt publishing website. Decide for yourself!

Click here for the website -

So, being the tight-fisted so-and-so that I am we will be learning Unity 3d on the cheap. i.e from the web. There are many tutorial and blog sites out there and also Unity appears to provide decent tutorials and language references etc. Time will tell.

Rememember I know as much as you about Unity 3d i.e fck all not very much.

The next lesson we will actually fire Unity up and see what all the fuss is about!

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